Our   history   includes   twenty-three   years   of   operation   as   a   major   loan   and   mortgage   brokerage,   presenting   opportunities   at   Director   level   to   major   Banks and   financial   institutions.   We   have   been   operating   in   the   direct   lending   sector   in   the   UK   Real   Estate   market   for   the   last   sixteen   years,   with   our   own solicitors, lending model and private capital. We   have   assessed,   originated,   managed   and   redeemed   numerous   loans   to   a   wide   range   of   Borrowers,   including   overseas   nationals   and   Companies,   UK Businesses,   Solicitors,   Accountants,   Barristers,   Queen’s   Counsels,   Property   Developers   &   Sports   Professionals,   to   name   but   a   few,   including   first,   second and   third   charge   Real   Estate   loans,   as   well   as   providing   a   number   of   other   complex   funding   arrangements   that   other   Lenders   do   not,   including   loans   for short leases, strategic land acquisition, evictions, winding up petitions, statutory demands and bankruptcy petitions. As a direct to Borrower Lender, we believe strong reciprocal engagement and a good initial fact finds are key to the success of any application. For a confidential discussion in the first instance, please contact us on: Tel +44 (0)3333 232 551 Email enquiry@conradcapital.co.uk
Our   history   includes   twenty-three   years   of   operation   as   a   major   loan   and mortgage   brokerage,   presenting   opportunities   at   Director   level   to   major Banks    and    financial    institutions.    We    have    been    operating    in    the    direct lending   sector   in   the   UK   Real   Estate   market   for   the   last   sixteen   years,   with our own solicitors, lending model and private capital. We   have   assessed,   originated,   managed   and   redeemed   numerous   loans   to a   wide   range   of   Borrowers,   including   overseas   nationals   and   Companies,   UK Businesses,   Solicitors,   Accountants,   Barristers,   Queen’s   Counsels,   Property Developers    &    Sports    Professionals,    to    name    but    a    few,    including    first, second   and   third   charge   Real   Estate   loans,   as   well   as   providing   a   number   of other   complex   funding   arrangements   that   other   Lenders   do   not,   including loans    for    short    leases,    strategic    land    acquisition,    evictions,    winding    up petitions, statutory demands and bankruptcy petitions. As   a   direct   to   Borrower   Lender,   we   believe   strong   reciprocal   engagement and a good initial fact finds are key to the success of any application. For a confidential discussion in the first instance, please contact us on: Tel +44 (0)3333 232 551 Email enquiry@conradcapital.co.uk
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